CDA Community,

We will use this platform to house communications since March 10, 2020, when the Covid-19 / coronavirus health crisis started to affect our day-to-day operations. Make sure to check the district’s website for more up-to-date information. If you are not receiving their communications by phone or email, please email me so that we can check your contact information in our student data system.

Stay well and together we will get through this crisis. Thanks.

Andrew Jenkins, Principal
[email protected]

Email Sent on September 7, 2020

Dear CDA Families,

I hope everyone survived the record breaking heat. We look forward to another 4 days of learning. As a reminder, on weeks when we have a Monday holiday, we will not have our weekly assembly. Below are some updates for this week.

  1. Our first monthly Coffee and Tea with Principal (invite below) will be Wednesday, September 9, at 11:00 AM. After this month, these meetings will be held virtually on the first Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM.
  2. We look forward to seeing our 4th and 5th graders this week at our CDA Wheel and Waves, dates and times below. Our Booster Club board will be on hand selling CDA merchandise. I am starting to think of other ways we can connect in person.
  3. As a HUGE reminder, Mary Beth McCarthy and Renee Dewire Domino have set up a system for students to check out books from our library. This week (9/8/20 – 9/10/20), Tuesday through Thursday (3:00 – 4:30 PM), students in various grade groups can pick up to 4 books that they reserve. Please see linked document for directions, schedules, and information. Questions can be emailed to Ms. McCarthy. Please make sure to return any books that were checked out last school year. There is a drop box right inside our main office door. Please ring the bell, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM. Thanks.
  4. Physical education classes start this week with Coach Stacey, Coach Jordan, and Coach Cara. Let’s encourage healthy bodies and minds by ensuring our students join their classes, and students from other classes, for 30 minutes of physical exercise. We also hope that you have noticed that our grades 2 and 3 classes are engaging in dance with Ms. O’Quinn, and our transitional kindergarten through fourth grade students will have a theater session with Ms. Boutarabi. Finally, gardening classes (TK-5) will start soon with Mr. Matthew and Mr. Bailey.
  5. LA Unified is offering A World of Learning Fall Enrichment for Kindergarten-12th grade students in the following subjects: Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, STEM, Computer Science, and Marine Science. Students may register (flyer linked) for any class in which they meet the grade level and specified criteria. Classes will begin the week of September 21st with varying end dates in November and December.  It is highly encouraged that students register on the first day the registration window opens, September 8thLocal District West is hosting one course, Exploring the Culture of Hip Hop through Music and Dance (09/22/20 – 11/19/20; Tue&Thu; 3-4 PM). Students will explore Hip Hop culture and various art forms including dance, music, and spoken word poetry. Students will complete a culminating project inspired by Hip Hop, while making connections between community and the arts.
  6. Our donation link for our Community Fund annual giving fundraiser has gone live. Each year, our Booster Club spearheads fundraisers to raise monies for teachers’ assistants, instructional aides, technology in the classroom and at home (laptops made available for all children to have access at home), our music and visual arts programs, full time librarians, and our PE and gardening programs. All of these programs and the staff who support them would not be possible without the generous giving and fundraising efforts of you, our families. Even during distance learning, our students benefit from these staff and programs, so read more at the link above about how you can contribute. Our Booster Club will be sharing more on how this vital fundraising effort supports the wonders of learning at our school.

That’s it for now! I look forward to another meaningful week and build community, explore and share ideas virtually, and look for ways to stay connected. Thanks again for all that you do to support your child(ren) and our school!


Zoom Meeting Events

Topic: Principal Jenkins Story Time: TK-2
Time: September 1, 2020 01:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Coffee and Tea with the Principal
Time: Sep 9, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Principal Jenkins Story Time: Grades 3-5
Time: Sep 10, 2020 01:45 PM

Topic: CDA Booster Club Meeting
Time: Sep 16, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

CDA Wheel and Wave Schedule (3:15 – 4:15 PM)

Grade 4:               Tuesday, September 8th
Grade 5:               Thursday, September 10th

Library Book Pick-Ups (3:00 -4:30 PM)

TK – Grade 1:     September 8
Grades 2-3:         September 9
Grades 4-5:         September 10

