The Annual Abbot Kinney Festival is this Sunday, Sept 25th. Discounted unlimited KidsQuad tickets are now available.  With the unlimited ticket you get unlimited access to rides, games, and activities for half the price of what you’d pay at the Festival (Online price is 1/2 off at $50… or pay $100 at the festival).  Climb the rock wall as many times as you want….tie-dye as many shirts as you want.

Ticket proceeds benefit the Abbot Kinney Festival Association, a 501(c)(3), grant making organization, that supports community-based organizations in Venice with an emphasis on youth, community, and the arts.

At 1:45PM on Sunday Principal Jenkins will be accepting the $1,700 grant awarded to CDA to help buy art supplies.
If you haven’t been to the festival, the KidsQuad is held on the Westminster Elementary School campus.  It is a great place for kids to gather and have some fun!  Buy your tickets here.

