CDA Community,

We will use this platform to house communications since March 10, 2020, when the Covid-19 / coronavirus health crisis started to affect our day-to-day operations. Make sure to check the district’s website for more up-to-date information. If you are not receiving their communications by phone or email, please email me so that we can check your contact information in our student data system.

Stay well and together we will get through this crisis. Thanks.

Andrew Jenkins, Principal
[email protected]

Email Sent on May 26, 2021

Dear Fifth Grade Families,

Thanks for patience as we work out the details for our in-person culmination. There are many details that needed to be addressed, but we wanted to let you know that our in-person culmination has been officially scheduled for Friday, June 11th, at 09:30 AM, for all students who wish to take part. We will be sending out an Evite this week so we can gather RSVP’s. All students who take part in the in-person culmination will need negative results in place from a PCR COVID test 7 days prior to the event. Our in-person students will be tested on Monday, June 7th. Students who are attending who are learning virtually can 1) schedule a test through the Daily Pass, 2) test through an external health provider, or 3) test with us on the same day as their in-person peers, June 7th, by appointment. Details about that latter option (#3) will be emailed to Mrs. Buck’s online PM cohort. The test results of students who test through an external health provider will need to be uploaded to the Daily Pass, details here.

At this time, we safely know that we can allow up to 3 guests per student. While we would love to be able to accommodate more, our LA County of Department of Public Health social distancing guidelines and program will not allow for more. I want to remind everyone that we had options: virtual or in-person. We chose in-person because we know how special an occasion this is for our students and families. One of our parents is filming the event, which will be shared with our families. We are also hiring a professional photographer to take pictures, which will also have sharing options. All guests will be temperature checked upon entering campus and will have to agree to health screening questions. We will stage 3 entrances, details to come.

Finally, we had originally planned on having our culmination on June 10th, so as not to conflict with our nearby middle school’s virtual culmination. They announced their culmination date as June 10th, so our date and time are now final, June 11th at 09:30 AM. That was our preference in the beginning and has always been our tradition. Thanks as always for your support and understanding as we work on making this an event one to be remembered. We appreciate you.

