CDA Community,

We will use this platform to house communications since March 10, 2020, when the Covid-19 / coronavirus health crisis started to affect our day-to-day operations. Make sure to check the district’s website for more up-to-date information. If you are not receiving their communications by phone or email, please email me so that we can check your contact information in our student data system.

Stay well and together we will get through this crisis. Thanks.

Andrew Jenkins, Principal
[email protected]

Email Sent on April 16, 2021

Hi CDA Families,

We had a very productive School Reopening Town Hall today. The slide deck for our meeting is here, and the recording (Passcode: c%45nv!Q) is about one hour long. There is also a video below you can watch with your child that will give everyone a sense of what to expect when students return to campus for hybrid, in-person learning. All families, including those whose students will continue with online learning, should expect to hear from their teacher by this weekend. Today is the last day with all students’ current teacher and classmates. As a reminder, most of Monday’s work will be done asynchronously with a 30-minute check-in with their teacher in the morning. My regular weekly update will be sent on Sunday or Monday.

What To Expect Video

The remainder of this email is for families who opted for the care program offered by the district. Please read it carefully.

  1. LAUSD has partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Venice (BGCV) to support our 5 AM care cohorts for students receiving instruction in the PM session and our 11 PM care cohorts for students receiving instruction in the AM session. Steve Finley, [email protected], will be our site director. Elliott Hampton and Franz Zoleta from LAUSD’s Beyond the Bell will support the AM care program. Care cohorts are at a ratio of 1 adult for every 10-14 students, and all cohorts have a designated indoor space to use for indoor play and asynchronous work. The care staff will also engage our students in outdoor play and supervise snack and lunch.
  2. Please complete the linked application and either email it José Sanchez, [email protected], of the BGCV or your child can have it in his/her backpack on the first day of care. These applications are required.
  3. Please complete the linked Google form survey. Please complete this form ASAP.
  4. We are so thankful that our families have this option for care. In order to ensure the safety of all, students who are receiving care in the AM can arrive at 3 designated times at the gates below. They will be screened in the same manner as if they were arriving for instruction, so the use of the Daily Pass QR code will expedite that process. We will receive students at each of these times for 10 minutes. If you are late, you will need to arrive at the next time, no exceptions.
    1. 08:15 AM: Garfield Gate
    2. 09:30 AM: Garfield Gate
    3. 10:30 AM: Main Gate (Coeur d’Alene Avenue)
  5. In the same manner we receive AM care students who have a PM instructional cohort, we will dismiss PM care students to parents who have an AM instructional cohort. Students will meet their providers at their assigned line up spot, socially distant, until their care provider takes them to play or eat. The schedule below indicates when you can pick up your child after care. We will have the gates open for 10 minutes. If you are late, you will need to wait until the next pick up time, no exceptions. You do not need to let us know when you are dropping off in the AM, we just need you to be punctual. We do need to know when you are picking up for PM care, though. We will work with our care staff to see how those times might be adjusted as needed, but for our first week, please select a best pick up time. Thanks.
    1. 01:30 PM: Main Gate (Coeur d’Alene Avenue)
    2. 02:30 PM: Garfield Gate
    3. 03:30 PM: Main Gate (Coeur d’Alene Avenue)
    4. 04:00 PM: Parking Lot Gate (Kickball Courts; Coeur d’Alene Avenue)
  6. Our care program will supervise snacks, meals, outdoor play, and asynchronous work. Students can either take advantage of our school’s Grab and Go meal program or bring their own snack and lunch. We do not allow glass containers, candy, gum, or caffeinated beverages. Reusable containers are appreciated. Please indicate any food allergies on your application. AM care students will eat lunch right before they go into class, as there is not a designated snack time during the 3-hour instructional block. Also, please work with your child’s teachers on devices they will need to complete asynchronous work, if that is an expectation. Students are allowed to use their own devices. Pre-pandemic, we had enough devices for all students, but many of them have been returned non-functioning. We will do our best to provide students and families with a device as needed with the current supply we have.
  7. In creating our care cohorts, our goal was to minimize commingling, so most care cohorts are comprised of students from no more than 2 or 3 instructional cohorts. We are hand-washing and sanitizing frequently, keeping a social distance, and wearing masks. These measures protect everyone.
  8. Finally, moving forward, our care team will communicate with you regarding schedules and needs. Please continue to read all communication. This will ensure that your students are provided the very best care and school experience possible.

