CDA Community,

We will use this platform to house communications since March 10, 2020, when the Covid-19 / coronavirus health crisis started to affect our day-to-day operations. Make sure to check the district’s website for more up-to-date information. If you are not receiving their communications by phone or email, please email me so that we can check your contact information in our student data system.

Stay well and together we will get through this crisis. Thanks.

Andrew Jenkins, Principal
[email protected]

Email Sent on March 17, 2021

Dear CDA Families,

I hope this finds you well.

The deadline to submit the Program Selection Survey (linked below) is Friday, March 19th, at 5:00 PM. Our latest response rate is 65%, and a majority of our families are selecting the hybrid model as their preferred program. If families do not respond to the survey, their default selection will be “online”. Finally, below are answers to some of the questions that came up in our Coffee and Tea. There was a question about child care that was asked after the meeting on which I am still awaiting an answer. I should have the answer by Friday. Thanks!

Program Selection Survey (Deadline: March 19)
Return To Campus Family Guide

  1. Will families know if the teachers and / or teachers’ assistants who will be working with their child in person have been vaccinated? LAUSD will offer the vaccine to all employees, but they can choose not to be vaccinated. All employees are protected by HIPPA laws, and we cannot share any medical information. All students and staff on site must adhere to strict safety guidelines: masks, frequent handwashing, and social distancing. In addition, classrooms will be disinfected after each in-person cohort.
  2. When will families know that we are definitely returning to in person, hybrid model? Superintendent Beutner mentioned mid-April. Our Operations Coordinator believes we will probably have a hard date before we go to Spring Break.
  3. For students who are remaining on site for care, are they able to bring their own lunches? No one has discussed students bringing their own lunches. Our Operations Coordinator does not see why they could not. If there is a change, he will let us know.


