CDA Community,

We will use this platform to house communications since March 10, 2020, when the Covid-19 / coronavirus health crisis started to affect our day-to-day operations. Make sure to check the district’s website for more up-to-date information. If you are not receiving their communications by phone or email, please email me so that we can check your contact information in our student data system.

Stay well and together we will get through this crisis. Thanks.

Andrew Jenkins, Principal
[email protected]

Email Sent on December 6, 2020

Dear CDA Families,

Please see this week’s updates on a shared document. Please read updates on COVID-19 testing, a message regarding school reopening, our revised library checkout system, parent engagement opportunities, a food pantry, progress reports, our School Experience Survey window, and our very first CDA Happy H-Owl-iday events. The deadline to order kits is tomorrow night, December 7, at 10:00 PM, and we still have kits available for each event. Also, the deadline to respond to the survey indicating your preference for program, hybrid or online, once we are able to receive students in-person is today. Families who do not respond will have hybrid as a default. Changes to programs can be made at any time.

Meetings and events for this week are below. Zoom invites were emailed.

Finally, we will be passing out books during our school library book pick-ups that LAUSD has provided for at-home reading. Ms. McCarthy will pass them out to families using the schedule below. If you are stopping by school on December 10th, 2:30 – 4:30 PM, to pick up your Happy H-Owl-idays kits, you can get them then as well. We will also give your books to a neighbor if that works. Just have them let us know.

Take Home Book Pick-Up Schedule: 2:30 – 3:00 PM
December 9: Grade 5
December 10: Grade 4
December 11: Grade 3
December 16: Grade 2
December 17: Grade 1
December 18: TK/Kindergarten

Thanks for all you do! Have a great week.

Events and Meetings

Topic: Monday Assembly with Principal Jenkins
When: Mondays at 09:00 AM

Topic: Principal Jenkins Story Time: TK-2
Time: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 01:45 PM

Topic: Principal Jenkins Story Time: Grades 3-5
Time: December 11, 2020 01:30 PM

